My brain is going through all sorts of hoops due to an upheaval in my personal life. So I am woefully behind on my posts and documenting my projects. Today I would like to do a quick wrap up of what projects I've done for 2013. Thanks to Historic Sew Fortnightly I go a fair amount done.
January 2013
I posted about some
small projects that have a big bang around my home... I made a
fichu, an
18th Century Cap and I made some repairs to our
18th Century clothes. I also altered my
Regency Corset to be shorter, washed and inventoried a bunch of fabric I inherited from my
grandmother's stash and I made a bunch of
project/accessory bags.
February 2013
I made
panniers... which I've still to wear...
April 2013
I made a
hat for pony cart racing, a
hoop skirt for Victoria's Alice costume and a
bustle pad.
May 2013
I made a
quilted petticoat out of a bedspread, a
bustle petticoat and several skirts/petticoats for my new bustle dress (the
lemon, and the
June 2013
All for a
bustle dress for the GBACG Tissot Picnic.
July 2013
Here I started sewing in earnest for Costume College, I made a
long sleeved chemise. I also finished my
19th Century Wrapper that I was a pattern tester for! I also finished my first
COMPLETELY HANDSEWN DRESS. (OMG, I didn't think I could ever do that! I also
embellished a reticule to take with me.
August 2013
At Costume College I learned a lot! I learned to
Ferret Hems and to make Fly Fringe (which I used to further
embellish my reticule!
September 2013
After meeting Trystan at Costume College I decided to work on her Accessories Challenges and I made Victoria a
Regency Tam for the first one. I made two Pelisses (one for
Victoria and one for
October 2013
I took a break to make some Christmas gifts, and a
huswife for myself. I started working on
costumes for Toy Parade (my guild for Dickens Fair)
December 2013
I finished my
Queen of Hearts dress (Finally! and after fair started of course) and a
fan to go with it...
Just in time for Twelfth Night I made a ball gown bodice for the dress and a belt with a wee crown buckle! Here's a photo as a reward since you were so nice to read all the way through!
My friends and I at the ball. |